

my head is aching......
1000 revoluciones por segundo
my heart is fading.....
40 intentos por sobrevivir

starving for the magic i held in my hands.. just yesterday...

someone must have stolen it

espero soñar hoy.... y saber que la magia esta atrapda en mis sueños.... and that i can still catch it

quiero volver a soñar con los paraisos... con MIS utopias.... i wanna smile sincerely again


Anonymous said...

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Metáfora Espiral said...

No more mercy for disguised darkness.....entro por la O de lo imposible y me deshago de Mi....querida Mercy....let's just chill out and enchant our time...

Huge Hug¡¡

Metáfora Espiral said...

Hello from the nomad hive ¡¡ Believe it or not my sister in chaos, we both suck from the same stream.
You gotta check the written worlds I have gone through ¡¡

Un abrazo anfetamínico y una cerveza a tu presencia¡¡